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RFID in Construction
ELARIAN RFID can help you get more of your
projects completed on budget and on time.
Construction sites are challenging environments to manage with many critical questions to answer: 'Where is Frank? - We need him right now.'
To meet these challenges, more and a more construction companies and site contractors are benefiting by integrating RFID technology in their day-to-day operation of construction sites and projects. If you are a construction company you will be using RFID. The question is when? The ROI is amazing for so many aspects of this industry. When RFID is used properly you will end up utilizing all of your resources more effectively. The impact to the bottom line will be dramatic. RFID has found its way into almost every corner of today's fast moving, always looking for increased efficiency, world. ELARIAN RFID has the right RFID technology for your construction business requirements. By combining the latest in passive and active RFID with ELARIAN RFID's proprietary LocateWare™ software solutions your operation will be enjoy the benefits of this new enabling technology. You know your business the best. Here are some common 'pain points' that the construction industry is wrestling with and that can profit through the use of RFID:
If any of this rings true for you read on to see what RFID is doing for the industry. Here are just a few solutions ELARIAN RFID can provide today: Construction Site Access Control:An access control system based on electronic RFID identification cards allows for the control of people's movement throughout a construction site.
Location Tracking Systems:By accurately tracking personnel and equipment in real-time you can decrease reaction time in case of incidents.Intelligent Concrete:Take advantage of the ability to identify things like individual concrete panels electronically. The advantages of identifying each panel are significant when it comes to documentation and the ability to track shipped goods. Builders are also embedding active RFID tags with temperature sensors in the concrete used for foundations and elsewhere throughout structures so that they can easily and accurately monitor the curing process. This eliminates the usual time lost using tradition mathematical models. For concrete test environments, RFID labels allow test data to be captured electronically with each sample uniquely identified by its serial number in order to create reports and perform statistical analyses.RFID-Based Facilities Maintenance:Improve the performance of maintenance activities. Benefits are better planning, control and documentation of technicians' work as well as improved process quality.Job-site Logistics:To enhance supply chain visibility and transparency throughout all of the construction project participants.
Construction Companies Reduce Thefts with Proximity Access Control and Tamper Detection:A construction company can take control of and reduce accelerating costs by providing every employee with a RFID card or Key Fob for entrance and exit access. Tag and monitor expensive items to detect tampering and unauthorized movement.Track Tools:Tools tagged with RFID can be scanned with a handheld reader and, through a software program, can be tracked as to check out and return of the items. RFID tags also can be imbedded into contractor's tools to determine ownership of similar tools.Data Tagging for Plant Maintenance:RFID tagging has been used to improve maintenance programs, with data tags and hand-held readers that record all planned and reactive maintenance. Data tags are fixed to plant items and machinery and provide immediate access to critical maintenance information.Improving Rental Equipment Delivery Performance:Improve management and tracking of rented equipment by identifying unused and unneeded equipment.RFID Tags Help to Ensure Correct Lubricant is Being Used:Use RFID tags to identify critical joints or engines that require scheduled maintenance.RFID Asset Tracking:Construction companies are continually challenged with ensuring that expensive assets are secure and have maximum utilization. Construction sites, with their multiple contractors and ever-changing environments, are exposed to multiple risks including theft, misplacement, and unauthorized use of equipment.Service Scheduling:Planned preventative maintenance systems using RFID tags that are stuck to the machinery to store information can automatically match the service schedules with plant and machinery to ensure each machine receives the correct maintenance program.RFID Tracks Trucks to Construction Site:Use RFID to record the arrival and departure of trucks through a company's loading locations. Customers can see how quickly a particular construction job is progressing and how efficiently product is moving.RFID-based Nuclear Power Plant Construction or Decommissioning:With an RFID tag system, RFID tags are attached to construction materials as they are delivered so they can be efficiently monitored in distribution management. Decrease human errors and ensure the traceability of the materials used. Side benefit can include recording and monitoring worker time spent in'hot' zones.Digital Wrenches and RFID Bolts:Critical applications from bridge to airplane assembly require many bolts. By using RFID bolts information along with torque readings can be recorded and stored for quality auditing systems.Using RFID to 'Green' Construction Sites:Eliminate paper-based systems with automated RFID systems to speed up and streamline movement of trucks into and out of construction sites.